Install directories as chown -R www-data:www-data ./dokuwiki
Modify local/config/ using LocalFiles Editor
<?php /* The file does not exist until some information is entered below. Once information is entered and saved, the file will be created. */ $conf['show_iptc_mapping'] = array( 'iptc_keywords' => '2#025', 'iptc_caption_writer' => '2#122', 'iptc_byline_title' => '2#085', 'iptc_caption' => '2#120' ); $conf['use_iptc'] = true; $conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array( 'keywords' => '2#025', 'date_creation' => '2#055', 'author' => '2#122', 'name' => '2#005', 'comment' => '2#120' ); //added 2011-09-17 $conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array( 'name' => '2#105', 'comment' => '2#120' ); $conf['use_iptc'] = true; $conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array( 'keywords' => '2#025', );?> ); $conf['smtp_host'] = ''; $conf['smtp_user'] = ''; $conf['smtp_password'] = 'P!w!g0469'; ?> In functions.php function pwg_URL() { $urls = array( 'HOME' => PHPWG_URL, 'WIKI' => PHPWG_URL.'/doc/doku.php', 'DEMO' => PHPWG_URL.'/demo', 'FORUM' => PHPWG_URL.'/forum', 'BUGS' => PHPWG_URL.'/bugs', 'EXTENSIONS' => PHPWG_URL.'/ext', ); return $urls; }
projects/piwigo/install.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/27 15:41 by · Currently locked by: