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Inserting Dokuwiki pages from the command line:

The DokuWiki online manual contains minimal instructions on using included utilities for the command line. These instructions are found at

Examples of how I did it.

Create a page in LibreOffice and save as an HTML document in the desired DokuWiki 'projects' directory, eg, nginx.html

Move to the desired DokuWiki page directory and then run the HTML to DokuWiki converter in a terminal: html2wiki –dialect DokuWiki ./nginx.html > ./nginx.txt

Now the page needs to be indexed within DokuWiki. Run the DokuWiki tool, indexer, from the dokuwiki bin directory:

$ cd /Work/www/dokuwiki/bin

$ php indexer.php

Now update the permissions on the new pages. I use the two aliases:

alias wwwchm='sudo chmod -R 776 .'

alias wwwown='sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

Now open DokuWiki and edit the page, adding the new page by simply copy another page entry and changing the file name and the title.

projects/dokuwiki/pagecli.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/27 15:41 by