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  • Local Archive

By default, data files will be stored in the default location - accessible from Moneydance by selecting Help –> Show Archive Folder. For Gertie007 that locations is: /home/jerry/.moneydance/archive/backups A copy of the most current archive is also synchronized with Google Drive using Déjà Dup Backup Tool execcuted from the Linux Mint menu with the Accessories –> Backups button. The synchronized backup file is restored using the same Déjà Dup Backup Tool execcuted from the Linux Mint menu with the Accessories –> Backups button.

  • Linux Update Install/Restore

Moneydance program files are found in /opt/Moneydance Routinely during an install of a new Linux version, the entire /opt directory is restored from the previous version by me. The config and data directories are found in the user's home directory, i.e., /home/jerry/.moneydance If both the program directories and the config/data directory is restored to the new Linux install, Gertie should run from the Linux Mint menu using the last saved Moneydance archive.

projects/apps/moneydance.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/27 19:04 by