To provide a daily backup run a cron job that backups the crucial weewx files. The cron job makes the tar and saves it in the html root directory. Then when the weewx ftp process runs, the file moves up to the hostpapa weewx html root directory along with the normal html files (if and when the tar gets a new date time stamp).

Add the following line to the root crontab:

sudo crontab -e

00 02 * * * tar cpfz /Work/www/weewx/Berry02BU.tgz /etc/nginx/sites-available /etc/hosts /etc/weewx /var/lib/mysql/weewx /Work/www

The clone process doesn't seem to work because dd doesn't read the card correctly.

Shutdown the Raspberry Pi:

sudo/etc/init.d/weewx stop
sudo shutdown now

Remove the SDCard from the Raspberrry Pi and mount on the desktop host. There should be two mounts, one for the boot partition and one for the file system. For example,

/dev/sdd2 15G 4.6G 9.0G 34% /media/jerry/402bfe3d-37db-48a7-a515-31edccf953df /dev/sdd1 63M 21M 43M 34% /media/jerry/boot

Create an image file of the SDCard:

sudo dd  if=/dev/sdd of=weewxSDCard_112616.img

sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdb of=raspbian.img This will create an image file on your PC which you can use to write to another SD card, and keep exactly the same contents and settings. To restore or clone to another card, use dd in reverse:

sudo dd bs=4M if=raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb