This is a short article with links to appropriate technical articles about serving a Davis VantagePro2 weather station on a Pogoplug media server which I bought on-line for $19.99. It boots to Debian Squeeze Linux from a $4.99 8GB USB Flash Drive. None of this information is very original, but I will try to bring it together so someone else can host their weather station this cheaply.\\ Over the past few months, I've been monitoring our local weather using my Davis VantagePro2 weather station on it's console. The basic station sits on the roof of the boat house. A couple weeks ago. I decided it was time to get a data logger and one of the Linux weather station software packages running on my desktop. Although it wasn't painless, I finally got Wview up and running, but had a few stability problems. I finally switched to Weewx which works well (for me) both locally and as a weather station server. However, for security as well as economy I like to turn off my desktop computer at night. I needed a small, cheap server. Amongst a half-dozen possibilities, I found one in a spare [[|PogoPlug P21]]\\ {{wiki:Frame6}} media server I had in the closet.\\ The station as it now exists can be seen at [[|]]\\  \\ . To get there, these are some of the challenges and how I saw fit to meet them.\\ 1. Convert the Pogoplug to an open Linux server. The [[|Guide for installing a Full Debian install on a $33 PogoPlug]]\\ {{wiki:Frame7}}explains how to boot from a USB flash drive, install Debian Lenny, and finally upgrade it to the latest version of Debian Linux - Squeeze. When finished you will have a very plain, headless Linux server. The instructions seemed to be complete and easy to follow. I used a spare USB 2.0 (not 3.0) 8 GB flash drive I got from for $4.99. I see that new PogoPlugs were advertised on "" today for $14.99.\\ 2. The "[[|About Debian”]]\\ {{wiki:Frame8}} web site has great documentation for all additional installation and configuration tasks.Keep everything to minimal/optimal scale as the Pogo only has an ARM5 processor, 256MB of RAM, and the 8GB file system, including swap, on the flash drive. You can add other drives (flash or external) as there will be two empty USB slots, but they won't overcome the basic limitations of CPU and ram. And don't forget, for us amateurs, that this is going to be a headless server with no serial or monitor ports. If you forget the passwords or firewall the ssh ports, go back to step 1.\\ 3. Install and configure additional server packages to support Weewx. Log back into the PogoPlug and start configuring:\\ a. Use "//sudo apt-get install//" commands:\\ *openSSH *apache2 *sqlite3 (I don't recommend MySql due to limited resources.) *vsftp; *iptables; *ufw; *ntp; b. Install necessary Python packages using //apt-get//:\\ *python-configobj; python-cheetah; python-imaging *python-usb *optional for extended almanac information: python-dev python-pip *Also: "//sudo pip install pyephem"// *sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb           c.  Finish basic new installation/server tasks, ie, users, ssh, ftp, http, firewall, directories, permissions, etc.\\           d. Some additional insight and instructions can be seen at this link: [[|http]]\\ [[|]][[|://]]\\ {{wiki:Frame10}}. Don't install Samba unless you are sure you need it. Some security folks say stay away from Webmin on a web server. I'd agree, except it may make life a little easier setting everything up and testing the server locally. Be sure to remove it before going "live."\\ 4. Install the newest Weewx package as described in the "[[|User's Guide to the weewx Weather System]]\\  \\ ," version 2.2.1. Carefully follow the instructions in "[[|Installation of Debian Linux systems]]\\  \\ ." There many other links which tell about installing Weewx in different ways, including installing from the tar. I got in to a lot of trouble deviating from the official peewee docs for version 2.2.1.\\ GOOD LUCK! This was an interesting and reward weekend project. In the future I look forward to remoting a camera from the boat house roof to supplement the weather. Maybe I'll serve the visual to the Weewx weather server from a second Pogoplug if resources are too tight.\\ My Config File %%//%%/ JLA ############################################################################################\\ # #\\ # #\\ # WEEWX CONFIGURATION FILE #\\ # #\\ # #\\ ############################################################################################\\ # #\\ # Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Tom Keffer #\\ # #\\ # See the file LICENSE.txt for your full rights. #\\ # #\\ ############################################################################################\\ #\\ # $Revision: 1027 $\\ # $Author: tkeffer $\\ # $Date: 2013-02-15 11:39:27 -0500 (Fri, 15 Feb 2013) $\\ #\\ ############################################################################################\\ \\ #\\ # This section is for general configuration information\\ #\\ \\ # Set to 1 for extra debug info, otherwise comment it out or set to zero.\\ debug = 0\\ \\ # Root directory of the weewx data file hierarchy for this station.\\ WEEWX_ROOT = /\\ # How long to wait before timing out a socket (FTP, HTTP) connection:\\ socket_timeout = 20\\ # Do not modify this - it is used by when installing and updating.\\ version = 2.2.1\\ ############################################################################################\\ [Station]\\   #\\   # This section is for information about your station\\   #\\   location = "Bella Vista, Arkansas"\\   # Latitude, longitude in decimal degrees\\   latitude = 36.465\\   longitude = -94.313\\   # Altitude of the station, with unit it is in. Normally this is\\   # downloaded from the station, but not all hardware supports this.\\   altitude = 1440, foot\\   # The start of the rain year (1=January; 10=October, etc.). Normally\\   # this is downloaded from the station, but not all hardware supports this.\\   rain_year_start = 1\\   # Start of week (0=Monday, 6=Sunday)\\   week_start = 6\\   # Set to type of station hardware. Supported stations include:\\   station_type = Vantage\\   # WMR-USB\\   # WMR-918\\   # FineOffsetUSB\\   # Simulator\\   # station_type = Simulator\\ ############################################################################################\\ [Vantage]\\   #\\   # This section is for configuration info for a Davis VantagePro2,\\   # VantageVue or WeatherLinkIP\\   #\\   # Connection type: serial or ethernet\\   # serial (the classic VantagePro)\\   # ethernet (the WeatherLinkIP)\\   type = serial\\   # If the connection type is serial, a port must be specified:\\   # Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, and SuSE:\\   # /dev/ttyUSB0 is a common USB port name\\   # /dev/ttyS0 is a common serial port name\\   # BSD:\\   # /dev/cuaU0 is a common serial port name\\   port = /dev/ttyUSB0\\   # If the connection type is ethernet, an IP Address/hostname is required:\\   host =\\   ######################################################\\   # The rest of this section rarely needs any attention.\\   # You can safely leave it "as is."\\   ######################################################\\   # Serial baud rate (usually 19200)\\   baudrate = 19200\\   # TCP port (when using the WeatherLinkIP)\\   tcp_port = 22222\\   # TCP send delay (when using the WeatherLinkIP):\\   tcp_send_delay = 1\\   # The id of your ISS station (usually 1)\\   iss_id = 1\\   # How long to wait for a response from the station before giving up (in\\   # seconds; must be greater than 2)\\   timeout = 5\\   # How long to wait before trying again (in seconds)\\   wait_before_retry = 1.2\\   # How many times to try before giving up:\\   max_tries = 4\\ # The driver to use:\\ driver = weewx.VantagePro\\ ############################################################################################\\ [WMR-USB]\\   #\\   # This section is for the Oregon Scientific WMR100\\   #\\   ######################################################\\   # The rest of this section rarely needs any attention.\\   # You can safely leave it "as is."\\   ######################################################\\   # How long a wind record can be used to calculate wind chill (in seconds)\\   stale_wind = 30\\   # The driver to use\\   driver = weewx.wmrx\\ ############################################################################################\\ [WMR-918]\\   #\\   # This section is for the Oregon Scientific WMR918/968\\   #\\   # Connection type. For now, 'serial' is the only option.\\   type = serial\\   # A port must be specified:\\   # Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, and SuSE:\\   # /dev/ttyUSB0 is a common USB port name\\   # /dev/ttyS0 is a common serial port name\\   # BSD:\\   # /dev/cuaU0 is a common serial port name\\   port = /dev/ttyUSB0\\   ######################################################\\   # The rest of this section rarely needs any attention.\\   # You can safely leave it "as is."\\   ######################################################\\   # How long a wind record can be used to calculate wind chill (in seconds)\\   stale_wind = 30\\   # The driver to use\\   driver = weewx.WMR918\\ ############################################################################################\\ [FineOffsetUSB]\\   #\\   # This section is for the "Fine Offset" series of weather stations.\\   #\\   # The station model, e.g., WH1080, WS2080, WH3081\\   model = WS2080\\   # The polling mode can be PERIODIC or ADAPTIVE\\   polling_mode = PERIODIC\\   # The driver to use\\   driver = weewx.fousb\\ ############################################################################################\\ [Simulator]\\ #\\ # This section for the weewx weather station simulator\\ #\\ # The time (in seconds) between LOOP packets.\\ loop_interval = 2.5\\ # One of either:\\ mode = simulator # Real-time simulator. It will sleep between emitting LOOP packets.\\   #mode = generator # Emit packets as fast as it can (useful for testing).\\   # The start time. [Optional. Default is to use the present time]\\ # start = 2011-01-01 00:00\\ driver = weewx.simulator\\ ############################################################################################\\ [StdRESTful]\\   #\\   # This section if for uploading data to sites using RESTful protocols.\\   #\\   [[Wunderground]]\\   #\\   # This section is for configuring posts to the Weather Underground\\   #\\   # If you wish to do this, make sure the following two lines are uncommented\\   # and filled out with your station and password information:\\   # station = your Weather Underground station ID here (eg, KORHOODR3)\\   # password = your password here\\   driver = weewx.restful.Ambient\\   [[PWSweather]]\\   #\\   # This section is for configuring posts to\\   #\\   # If you wish to do this, make sure the following two lines are uncommented\\   # and filled out with your station and password information:\\   # station = your PWSweather station ID here (eg, KORHOODR3)\\   # password = your password here\\   driver = weewx.restful.Ambient\\   [[CWOP]]\\   #\\   # This section is for configuring posts to CWOP.\\   #\\   # If you wish to do this, make sure the following line is uncommented\\   # and filled out with your station ID\\   # station = CW1234\\   # If you are an APRS (radio amateur) station, you will need a passcode\\   # as well:\\   # passcode = your passcode here eg, 12345 (APRS stations only)\\   # Comma separated list of server:ports to try:\\   server =,\\   # How often we should post in seconds. 0=with every archive record\\   interval = 600\\   driver = weewx.restful.CWOP\\ ############################################################################################\\ [StdReport]\\   #\\   # This section specifies what reports, using which skins, are to be generated.\\   #\\   # Where the skins reside, relative to WEEWX_ROOT:\\   SKIN_ROOT = /etc/weewx/skins\\   # Where the generated reports should go, relative to WEEWX_ROOT:\\   HTML_ROOT = /var/www/weewx\\   # Each subsection represents a report you wish to run:\\   [[StandardReport]]\\   # What skin this report should be based on:\\   skin = Standard\\   # You can override values in the skin configuration file from here.\\   # For example, uncommenting the next 3 lines would have pressure reported\\   # in millibars, irregardless of what was in the skin configuration file\\   # [[[Units]]]\\   # [[[[Groups]]]]\\   # group_pressure=mbar\\   #\\   # Here is an example where we create a custom report, still using the standard\\   # skin, but where the image size is overridden, and the results are put in a\\   # separate subdirectory 'public_html/big'\\   #\\   #[[BigReport]]\\   # skin = Standard\\   # HTML_ROOT = /var/www/weewx\\   # [[[Images]]]\\   # image_width = 600\\   # image_height = 360\\   [[FTP]]\\   skin = Ftp\\   #\\   # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,\\   # albeit one with an unusual report generator!\\   #\\   # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:\\   # user = replace with your username\\   # password = replace with your password\\   # server = replace with your server name, e.g,\\   # path = replace with the destination root directory on your server (e.g., '/weather)\\   # Set to 1 to use passive mode, zero for active mode:\\   passive = 1\\   # How many times to try to transfer a file before giving up:\\   max_tries = 3\\   # If you wish to upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT is set to\\   # above, then reset it here:\\   # HTML_ROOT = /var/www/weewx\\   [[RSYNC]]\\   skin = Rsync\\   #\\   # rsync'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,\\   # much like the FTP report.\\   #\\   # The following configure what system and remote path the files are sent to:\\   # server = replace with your server name, e.g,\\   # path = replace with the destination root directory on your server (e.g., '/weather)\\   # If you wish to use rsync, you must configure passwordless ssh using\\   # public/private key authentication from the user account that weewx runs\\   # as to the user account on the remote machine where the files will be copied.\\   # user = replace with your username\\   # Rsync can be configured to remove files from the remote server if they don't exist\\   # under HTML_ROOT locally. USE WITH CAUTION: if you make a mistake in the remote\\   # path, you could could unintentionally cause unrelated files to be deleted.\\   # Set to 1 to enable remote file deletion, zero to allow files to accumulate remotely.\\   # delete = 1\\ ############################################################################################\\ [StdConvert]\\ #\\   # This service acts as a filter, converting the unit system coming from\\   # the hardware to a target output unit system.\\   #\\   # The target_unit affects only the unit system in the database. Once\\   # chosen it cannot be changed without converting the entire database.\\   # Modification of target_unit after starting weewx will result in\\   # corrupt data - the database will contain a mix of US and METRIC data.\\   #\\   # The value of target_unit does not affect the unit system for\\   # reporting - reports can display US, Metric, or any combination of\\   # units.\\   #\\   # In most cases, target_unit should be left as the default: US\\   #\\   # In particular, those migrating from a standard wview installation\\   # should use US since that is what the wview database contains.\\   #\\   # DO NOT MODIFY THIS VALUE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!\\ target_unit = US # Choices are 'US' or 'METRIC'\\ ############################################################################################\\ [StdCalibrate]\\   #\\   # This section can adjust data using calibration expressions.\\   #\\   [[Corrections]]\\   # For each type, an arbitrary calibration expression can be given.\\   # It should be in the native units of the weather station hardware.\\   # For example:\\   # outTemp = outTemp - 0.2\\ ############################################################################################\\ [StdQC]\\   #\\   # This section for quality control checks.\\   # It should be in the same units as specified in StdConvert, above.\\   #\\   [[MinMax]]\\   outTemp = -40, 120\\   barometer = 28, 32.5\\   outHumidity = 0, 100\\ ############################################################################################\\ [StdArchive]\\   #\\   # This section is for configuring the archive databases.\\   #\\   # The database to be used for archive data.\\   # This should match a section given in section [Databases] below.\\   archive_database = archive_sqlite\\   # The database to be used for stats data.\\   # This should match a section given in section [Databases] below.\\   stats_database = stats_sqlite\\   # If your station hardware supports data logging (such as the Davis Vantage\\   # series), then the archive interval will be downloaded off the station.\\   # Otherwise, you must specify it below (in seconds):\\   archive_interval = 300\\   # How long to wait (in seconds) before processing new archive data. Must be greater than zero.\\   archive_delay = 15\\   # Generally, if possible, new records are downloaded from the console hardware.\\   # If the console does not support this, then software record generation is done.\\   # Set the following to "software" to force software record generation:\\   # record_generation = hardware\\ record_generation = software\\   # The schema to be used for the archive database. This is used only when it is initialized.\\   # Thereafter, the types are retrieved from the database.\\   archive_schema = user.schemas.defaultArchiveSchema\\   # The schema to be used for the stats database. This is used only when it is initialized.\\   # Thereafter, the types are retrieved from the database.\\   stats_schema = user.schemas.defaultStatsSchema\\ ############################################################################################\\ [StdTimeSynch]\\   # How often to check the clock on the weather station for drift (in seconds)\\   clock_check = 14400\\   # How much it can drift before we will correct it (in seconds):\\   max_drift = 5\\ ############################################################################################\\ [Databases]\\ #\\ # This section lists possible databases.\\ #\\ [[archive_sqlite]]\\ root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s\\ database = /var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb\\ driver = weedb.sqlite\\ [[stats_sqlite]]\\ root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s\\ database = /var/lib/weewx/stats.sdb\\ driver = weedb.sqlite\\ # MySQL databases require setting an appropriate 'user' and 'password'\\ [[archive_mysql]]\\ host = localhost\\ user = weewx\\ password = Ma468ry\\ database = weewx\\ driver = weedb.mysql\\ [[stats_mysql]]\\ host = localhost\\ user = weewx\\ password = Ma468ry\\ database = stats\\ driver = weedb.mysql\\ ############################################################################################\\ [Engines]\\ #\\   # This section configures the internal weewx engines. It is for advanced customization.\\ #\\   [[WxEngine]]\\   # The list of services the main weewx engine should run:\\   service_list = weewx.wxengine.StdConvert, weewx.wxengine.StdCalibrate, weewx.wxengine.StdQC, weewx.wxengine.StdArchive, weewx.wxengine.StdTimeSynch, weewx.wxengine.StdPrint, weewx.wxengine.StdRESTful, weewx.wxengine.StdReport\\ This is a short article with links to appropriate technical articles about serving a Davis VantagePro2 weather station on a Pogoplug media server which I bought on-line for $19.99. It boots to Debian Squeeze Linux from a $4.99 8GB USB Flash Drive. None of this information is very original, but I will try to bring it together so someone else can host their weather station this cheaply.\\ Over the past few months, I've been monitoring our local weather using my Davis VantagePro2 weather station on it's console. The basic station sits on the roof of the boat house. A couple weeks ago. I decided it was time to get a data logger and one of the Linux weather station software packages running on my desktop. Although it wasn't painless, I finally got Wview up and running, but had a few stability problems. I finally switched to Weewx which works well (for me) both locally and as a weather station server. However, for security as well as economy I like to turn off my desktop computer at night. I needed a small, cheap server. Amongst a half-dozen possibilities, I found one in a spare [[|PogoPlug P21]]\\ {{wiki:Frame1}} media server I had in the closet.\\ The station as it now exists can be seen at [[|]]\\  \\ . To get there, these are some of the challenges and how I saw fit to meet them.\\ 1. Convert the Pogoplug to an open Linux server. The [[|Guide for installing a Full Debian install on a $33 PogoPlug]]\\ {{wiki:Frame2}}explains how to boot from a USB flash drive, install Debian Lenny, and finally upgrade it to the latest version of Debian Linux - Squeeze. When finished you will have a very plain, headless Linux server. The instructions seemed to be complete and easy to follow. I used a spare USB 2.0 (not 3.0) 8 GB flash drive I got from for $4.99. I see that new PogoPlugs were advertised on "" today for $14.99.\\ 2. The "[[|About Debian”]]\\ {{wiki:Frame3}} web site has great documentation for all additional installation and configuration tasks.Keep everything to minimal/optimal scale as the Pogo only has an ARM5 processor, 256MB of RAM, and the 8GB file system, including swap, on the flash drive. You can add other drives (flash or external) as there will be two empty USB slots, but they won't overcome the basic limitations of CPU and ram. And don't forget, for us amateurs, that this is going to be a headless server with no serial or monitor ports. If you forget the passwords or firewall the ssh ports, go back to step 1.\\ 3. Install and configure additional server packages to support Weewx. Log back into the PogoPlug and start configuring:\\ a. Use "//sudo apt-get install//" commands:\\ *openSSH *apache2 *sqlite3 (I don't recommend MySql due to limited resources.) *vsftp; *iptables; *ufw; *ntp; b. Install necessary Python packages using //apt-get//:\\ *python-configobj; python-cheetah; python-imaging *python-usb *optional for extended almanac information: python-dev python-pip *Also: "//sudo pip install pyephem"//           c.  Finish basic new installation/server tasks, ie, users, ssh, ftp, http, firewall, directories, permissions, etc.\\           d. Some additional insight and instructions can be seen at this link: [[|http]]\\ [[|]][[|://]]\\ {{wiki:Frame5}}. Don't install Samba unless you are sure you need it. Some security folks say stay away from Webmin on a web server. I'd agree, except it may make life a little easier setting everything up and testing the server locally. Be sure to remove it before going "live."\\ 4. Install the newest Weewx package as described in the "[[|User's Guide to the weewx Weather System]]\\  \\ ," version 2.2.1. Carefully follow the instructions in "[[|Installation of Debian Linux systems]]\\  \\ ." There many other links which tell about installing Weewx in different ways, including installing from the tar. I got in to a lot of trouble deviating from the official peewee docs for version 2.2.1.\\ GOOD LUCK! This was an interesting and reward weekend project. In the future I look forward to remoting a camera from the boat house roof to supplement the weather. Maybe I'll serve the visual to the Weewx weather server from a second Pogoplug if resources are too tight.\\ $25 Server for Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station\\ This is a short article with links to appropriate technical support about serving a Davis VantagePro2 weather station on a Pogoplug media server which I bought on-line for $19.99. It boots to Debian Squeeze Linux from a $4.99 8GB USB Flash Drive. None of this information is very original, but I will try to bring it together so someone else can host their weather station this cheaply.\\ Over the past few months, I've been monitoring our local weather using my Davis VantagePro2 weather station on the console. The basic stations sits on the roof of the boat house. A couple weeks ago. I decided it was time to get a data logger and one of the Linux weather station software packages running on my desktop. Although it wasn't painless, I finally got View up and running, but had a few stability problems. I finally switched to Weewx which works well (for me) both locally and as a weather station server. However, for security as well as economy I like to turn off my desktop computer at night. I needed a small, cheap server. Amongst a half-dozen possibilities, I found one in a spare PogoPlug media server I had in the closet. \\ The station as it now exists can be seen at [[|]]. To get there, these are some of the challenges and how I saw fit to meet them.\\ 1. Convert the Pogoplug to an open Linux server. The [[|Guide for installing a Full Debian install on a $33 PogoPlug]]** **explains how to boot from a USB flash drive, install Debian Lenny, and finally upgrade it to the latest version of Debian Linux - Squeeze. When finished you will have a very plain, headless Linux server. The instructions seemed to be complete and easy to follow. I used a spare USB 2.0 (not 3.0) 8 GB flash drive I got from for $4.99. I see that new PogoPlugs were advertised on "" today for $14.99.\\ 2. The "[[|About Debian”]] web site has great documentation for all additional installation and configuration tasks. Keep everything to minimal/optimal scale as the Pogo only has an ARM5 processor, 256MB of RAM, and the 8GB file system, including swap, on the flash drive. You can add other drives (flash or external) as there will be two empty USB slots, but they won't overcome the basic limitations of CPU and ram. And don't forget, for us amateurs, that this is going to be a headless server with no serial or monitor ports. If you forget the passwords or firewall the ssh ports, go back to step 1.\\ 3. Install and configure additional server packages to support Weewx. Log back into the PogoPlug and start configuring: \\ a. Use "//sudo ////apt-get install//" commands: \\ *openSSH *apache2 *sqlite3 (I don't recommend MySql due to limited resources.) *vsftp; *iptables; *ufw; *ntp; b. Install necessary Python packages using //apt-get//:\\ *python-configobj; python-cheetah; python-imaging *python-usb *optional for extended almanac information: python-dev python-pip *Also: "//sudo pip install pyephem"// c. Finish basic new installation/server tasks, ie, users, ssh, ftp, http, firewall, directories, permissions, etc. \\   d. Some additional insight and instructions can be seen at this link: [[|http]][[|://]]. Don't install Samba unless you are sure you need it. Some security folks say stay away from Webmin on a web server. I'd agree, except it may make life a little easier setting everything up and testing the server locally. Be sure to remove it before going "live."\\ 4. Install the newest Weewx package as described in the "[[|User's Guide to the weewx Weather System]]," version 2.2.1. Carefully follow the instructions in "[[|Installation of Debian Linux systems]]." There many other links which tell about installing Weewx in different ways, including installing from the tar. I got in to a lot of trouble deviating from the official peewee docs for version 2.2.1.\\ GOOD LUCK! This was an interesting and reward weekend project. In the future I look forward to remoting a camera from the boat house roof to supplement the weather. Maybe I'll serve the visual to the Weewx weather server from a second Pogoplug if resources are too tight.\\