I wrote some scripts that enable you to install and run ppfs on your Linux machine. What ppfs does, is mount your Pogoplug personal cloud to the filesystem, so you can access your data using your native file browser. * I didn't write ppfs - just the utility scripts to install and run it. To install all the scripts and ppfs download ppfs-install.sh: http://ppl.ug/Qe9rdSBojQQ/OJ7IYsoFBVscLqBQG7uoVw/dl/data Run it and it will download ppfs and the other utility scripts (http://ppl.ug/Qe9rdSBojQQ/). It will mount ppfs and guide you through the needed steps to get your Pogoplug personal cloud at the tip of your fingers :) The next time you want to run ppfs, just run 'ppfs-run.sh'. The other scripts do different things, like signing you out, etc. Scripts are installed and run from ~/bin \\ ** local: scripts are installed at: /usr/local/sbin/pogo with link ~/bin to there (( ln -s /usr/local/sbin/pogo ./bin )) \\ \\ ?? Need info on using ppfs for moving files and then finding them on the cloud. \\ \\