Here is step by step how to change picasa database location, even a dumb person can follow these instructions \\ \\ Method 1 [ USING SYMBOLIC LINKS] for Vista \\ \\ 1. Create a folder in another drive where you want to move the database, for example "Picasa Database" folder in E:\Program Files\Google folder. \\ 2. Now go to C:\Users\Zeeshan\AppData\Local\Google\Picasa2 rename the folder "Picasa2" to "oldPicasa2". \\ 3. Copy all the contents of C:\Users\Zeeshan\AppData\Local\Google\Picasa2 to E:\Program Files\Google\Picasa Database. \\ 4. In Run (press WIndows+R) type cmd, it will open command prompt. \\ 5. In command prompt type [ mklink /D "C:\Users\Zeeshan\AppData\Local\Google\Picasa2" "E:\Program Files\Google\Picasa Database" ](without brackets) and press enter. \\ 6. You will get a message "symbolic link created for C:\Users\Zeeshan\AppData\Local\Google\Picasa2 <<===>> E:\Program Files\Google\Picasa Database \\ 7. Now delete the folder oldPicasa2 from C:\Users\Zeeshan\AppData\Local\Google. \\ 8. Now your picasa database is moved to E:\Program Files\Google\Picasa Database. \\ This method will work in XP also only you have to find the location of picasa database folder and instead of using C:\Users\Zeeshan\AppData\Local\Google\Picasa2, use that location \\ \\ Method 2 [Change the location of Local folder only in Vista] \\ \\ 1. Go to folder C:\Users\UserName\AppData \\ 2. Right click on folder "Local" and select Properties \\ 3. Go to Location Tab. Click on move and select any folder on other drive, for example F:\Users\Local \\ 4. You will be asked whether to move all the files from the old location to the new location, select Yes \\ 5. Now your picasa database is moved to F:\Users\Local\Google\Picasa2. [[|{{}}0]] [[|{{}}0]] \\